PhotonDelta Application Bootcamp with Hendrix Genetics
14 February 2020From 11th to 13th of February, the second PhotonDelta Application Bootcamp was held at TU/e. Experts in the field at the Eindhoven University of Technology tried to come up with solutions for Hendrix Genetics, with the use of integrated photonics. The challenge is set on measuring conventional egg properties. The company is enthusiastic about the outcome. Together, we can create solutions!
The societal challenge
This PhotonDelta Application Bootcamp is linked to a major societal challenge: the need for a sustainable food production. In 2050 there will be 10 billion people on the planet. To provide a balanced and nutritious diet to the world population, we have to increase food production by 56% in the next 30 years. Moreover, the increased food production has to happen sustainably. That means: no expansion of agricultural land area, highly reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved animal welfare.
More in depth: selective breeding with the use of photonics and spectroscopy
Selective breeding is a tool at our disposal, combined with clever technologies and digitalization, to contribute to the challenge of a sustainable food production. Hendrix Genetics is a global multi-species animal breeding, genetics and technology company headquartered in Boxmeer, the Netherlands. The company is searching for different ways to measure fertilization and egg characteristics. In this bootcamp, a team of experts of TU/e worked out ideas on how to innovate measurements by using photonics and spectroscopy. After three days of hard work, the team presented their ideas to the company when visiting the InspirationLab of Hendrix Genetics in Boxmeer. The company is satisfied with the outcome and so are we!
“Fascinating what the team was able to come up with in a few days. Photonics and spectroscopy look like promising technologies for measuring conventional egg properties such as shell thickness and egg quality automatically and at scale. It may even allow us to measure fertilization, embryo health and sex without opening the egg.”
Bram Visser, Hendrix Genetics