EUREKA GlobalStars Call with Taiwan
30 October 2023Eureka is an intergovernmental organisation for market-driven industrial research and development. It is a decentralised network facilitating the coordination of funding for Research, Development and Innovation, aiming to boost the productivity & competitiveness of industries. Participants are invited to submit joint project proposals in the research and development of innovative products and applications with a strong market potential.

Within the GlobalStars initiative of Eureka, the participating funding agencies Taiwan (DoIT), the Netherlands (RVO), Austria (FFG), Canada (NRC IRAP), Finland (Business Finland), and Sweden (Vinnova) are launching a common call. This is the third call the Netherlands host in collaboration with Taiwan, to encourage Dutch and Taiwanese organisations to cooperate in innovative projects.
Key timeline and Call text
- Call Open: 20 November 2023 – 21 May 2024
- More information on the call: Call text
- Information Session: 15 November (9:00 – 11:00 C(E)ST).
- Please join the information session via sign up.
Deadlines and requirements for application
- EUREKA Application: 21 May 2024 (11:00 CE(S)T, 17:00 CST)
- RVO (E-loket) Application: 28 May 2024 (17:00 CE(S)T)
Application fields
High Tech (but not limited to):
- Semiconductors and Photonics
- Digital Health/Biotechnology
- Telecommunication (5G, 6G)
- Advanced Manufacturing
Sustainability (not limited to):
- Mobility
- Circular Economy
Other useful information
- A pitch event is preliminary scheduled at 13 December, more information to follow.
- An application workshop is preliminary scheduled at the end of April 2024, more information to follow.
- If you are trying to find a Taiwanese partner to join a project proposal and want to join the matchmaking, please fill out this two-pager. Send the two-pager to Huub Hoeksema at the Netherlands Office Taipei.
- If you have any further questions or require additional information about the funding in the Netherlands, contact Arnold Meijer.