As the current demand for talent is substantial and expected to grow even more in the upcoming years, PhotonDelta and its industrial partners have joined forces to establish Photonic Chip Industry Career Pavilions. Join us, showcase your company and connect with potential talents at career fairs spread across the Netherlands. 

Why this initiative? 

Our initiative aims to raise awareness of integrated photonics careers by participating in key career fairs with ecosystem partners. We provide a uniform and professional appearance with booth packages, showcasing a unified pavilion that attracts visitors. This collaboration enhances awareness, engagement, and brings together companies and talent with an interest in photonic microchip technology.  

What does it entail? 

PhotonDelta carefully selects primary career fairs in consultantion with interested industry partners to jointly present the ‘Photonic Chip Industry’ pavilions.

Participating partners will register for regular or start-up booth packages offered by the career fair (themselves) and cover 50% the expenditure for the creation of one or two (new) double-sided roll-up banners to ensure a cohesive pavilion appearance. To further engage visitors, we incorporate product demos, a virtual ecosystem tour and jointly organise activities such as contests in the pavilion. PhotonDelta invests in pavilion branding, ensuring enhanced exposure for all participating companies.

Experience a range of benefits by joining our esteemed ‘Photonic Chip Industry’ career pavilion: 

  • Brand visibility & talent acquisition: Increase brand awareness and access a pool of potential candidates actively seeking internship and (future) job opportunities. Simplify your career fair experience by joining our Photonic Chip Industry career pavilion and add your flyers or give aways in our joint goodie bag. Seamlessly register at regular prices or explore tailored options for start-ups (offered by the career fairs or created by PhotonDelta).
  • Visitor activation via the virtual ecosystem tour: Our virtual tour showcases all companies in photonic microchip technology affilitated with PhotonDelta, expanding their reach and boosting visibility within the industry. This includes those unable to attend in person, ensuring broader exposure for all. 
  • Generate recruitment leads: Collaborate with fellow companies at the career fair on initiatives like organizing competitions or lotteries to generate recruitment leads, setting the stage for follow-ups. This is at your own initiative and expense.

How to join? 

In 2024 PhotonDelta and its partners have presented the Photonic Chip Pavilion at TU/e Wervingsdagen, Business Days Twente, and Delft Career Days. Participating partners were PHIX Photonics Assembly, EFFECT Photonics, Delta Diagnostics, SMART Photonics, Superlight Photonics, ChipTech Twente and QuiX Quantum. There are no more career fairs scheduled for 2024.

We’re organizing a brainstorming session in June to synchronize efforts with our industrial partners in shaping both the collaboration and the Industry Career Pavilion for the upcoming year. Reach out to us to express your interest, ensuring that we include you in our invitations.

In September registrations will start for career fairs in 2025. To ensure you receive updates and invitations for participating in future ‘Photonic Chip Industry’ pavilions, please contact us.

On October 4th and 5th PhotonDelta will represent the photonic chip industry with a booth at the Onderwijsbeurs Noord-Oost. If this trial is a success, we will consider other education fairs as well for 2025.

How to contact us: Reach out to Keerthana Rao Chennampally, Project Coordinator – Human Capital at PhotonDelta via +31 (0) 85 112 43 37 or  

For students 

Are you a Bachelor or Master student curious about careers in integrated photonics? Visit our pavilion at upcoming career events to explore the fascinating world of photonic chips. Engage with industry professionals, learn about internship opportunities, and discover the diverse application areas. Join us in shaping the future of technology! Get in touch with us for more details. 

TU/e Wervingsdagen >

Delft Career Days >  

Business Days Twente >