Innovation mission to Japan: Semiconductors
19.06 - 23.06.2023Are you active in the field of advanced chip design, integrated photonics or heterogeneous integration and are you interested in exploring the opportunities and developments of these three key technologies in Japan with us? Then join the innovation mission to Japan.

Japan is an attractive partner for the Netherlands. The world’s third-largest economy has been a strong and indispensable player in the global semiconductor value chain for decades, from research to business and from policy to investment.
The innovation mission is organised by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, the Innovation Attaché Tokyo and the Dutch Embassy.
Why Japan
Rapid developments and investments in applications by Japanese parties are creating new opportunities for Dutch parties in the field of chip design, the integration of various functionalities (e.g. through assembly and packaging) and next-generation technologies and production of, for example, integrated photonics. And with a proactive promotion policy, the Japanese government stimulates and facilitates international cooperation. All in all, there is a lot of potential for innovative cooperation with Japan in the field of semiconductors.
For whom
The innovation mission is intended for professionals from Dutch industries and knowledge institutions active in the field of semiconductors, with a focus on advanced chip design, integrated photonics or heterogeneous integration.
Goals mission
- Exploring and finding potential partners for joint research, development and commercialization of innovations in the field of semiconductors, with a focus on advanced chip design, (production of) integrated photonics or heterogeneous integration, packaging and assembly.
- Intensifying bilateral cooperation between government, industry and knowledge institutions in both countries.
- Developing bilateral arrangements and programs to support bilateral cooperation.
Concept program mission
The program is still under development as wishes of participants will be taken into account as much as possible. The concept program in short:
- Monday: visit to Japanese government, companies and knowledge institutions (Tokyo)
- Tuesday: visit to institutes AIST and NIMS (Tsukuba)
- Wednesday: matchmaking and networking reception at the Dutch Embassy (Tokyo)
- Thursday: company visits (Tokyo and/or Osaka)
- Friday: company visits and networking event in semicon region in Kyushu
Costs for participation are € 250 per person, excluding VAT.
This includes participation in the collective program, transfers to and from program components, lunch and dinners if this is stated in the program.
Participation is exclusive: travel and accommodation costs, domestic flight costs, all individual costs and possible costs for the matchmaking.
To register
Would you like to participate in this innovation mission? Then register before Friday 14 April 2023 via the online registration form.
Please note: final participation depends on the number of available places. We also look at how well your technology fits within the scope and purpose of the mission.
Webinar Japan – The Netherlands on Semiconductors
On Wednesday 5 April 2023 (09.00-10.00 CEST) a webinar is organised to kick-off the innovation mission. Don’t miss it if you’re considering to join the mission!
In the webinar RVO will get the conversation started between Netherlands and Japanese semiconductor companies and knowledge institutes. The webinar presents the innovation mission and other activities towards strategic bileteral partnerships in semiconducts. In addition, technical presentations will be offered by amonst others University of Tokyo, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and Mitsubishi Electic Co.
Information meeting to prepare
An information meeting will be organized on Tuesday 2 May 2023. During this meeting we will discuss: the draft program, the goals and results of the mission and the necessary preparation of the participants.
Registration for the information meeting will follow here on the website of RVO.