Delta Dialogues – October 2022
05.10.2022PhotonDelta introduces the Delta Dialogues. Your monthly shot of inspiration, information, and the opportunity to connect with the integrated photonics community.
Delta Dialogues is an interactive community call for and by the community. After a short PhotonDelta update, the floor is given to several community members. In ‘Who is who’ new members are being introduced. Participants are provided with the opportunity to share their pressing questions with the audience. In ‘In the spotlight’ a community member shares the latest product or technology developments. And some outside inspiration is offered from beyond the walls of our community.
The October episode has already taken place.
The program
At Delta Dialogues our host Nilufar Bulut, Program Manager Strategic Partnerships at PhotonDelta, will welcome several interesting speakers from the industry. This edition is dedicated to education and human capital.
- Interview with Roel Baets, Board Chairperson of ePIXfab, an organisation that is creating skilled human resources required for the next generation of innovations using Silicon Photonics.
- In ‘Who is who’ new partners introduce themselves to the community:
- Cas Damen, Lector NanoPhysics Interfaces at Saxion University of Applied Sciences
- Urs Wyder, Research Team Leader Applied Physics Detection and Measurements at Fontys University of Applied Sciences
- Steven van den Berg, Lector Photonics at The Hague University of Applied Sciences
- In the spotlight – Ilse de Graaf, Recruitment Business Partner at SMART Photonics, will provide us with her insights on how to find the right people for your tech company.
For who?
Anyone involved or looking to get involved in integrated photonics is welcome to join the Delta Dialogues. This is your chance to connect with our ecosystem. Whether you are a tech developer, student, investor, end-user or otherwise involved in integrated photonics – this event is open to you.
Delta Dialogues takes place every 1st Wednesday of the Month from 12 PM to 1 PM (CEST). This episode will take place on 5 October 2022.
Register via the form below to receive a link to virtually participate in Delta Dialogues. Participation in the event is free of charge.
Become part of the program
We really welcome integrated photonics enthusiasts to share their knowledge, insights or startup pitches with the audience.